Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine Box for 2009

Some of you may remember the Valentine box last year for Taylor. It was that time again, and we wanted something better than last year. You know... BETTER.

So this is the Valentine box for 2009! (What am I going to do next year when I have TWO to make?)

He wouldn't let me put "Taylor's Toilet" or "It's time to POTTY!" on it. Darn.


Erin said...

What a hoot! I totally would have done something like that at his age, but my mom would have died!

Natalie said...

oh my gosh - hilarious. what did you make last year?

Paula said...

I Love it. You are so creative.

Cara and Gerriss said...

I wish we could still make these things as adults and take them to work or something. I miss it so much! I guess there is one more thing to look forward to with kiddos! :)

Wendy G. Atkins said...

oh my gosh thats amazing! i loved the whole.. it's time to potty.. hah last years was great as well. what amazing parents :)