The boys started school on Monday, August 24th. It's a strange feeling having a 5th grader and a 2nd grader. On top of that, Madison will start school on Monday, August 31st. Having just Reagan at home will be interesting for sure.

Our family "theme" for the year is "BE PREPARED". This is mainly because last year I felt so unorganized and UN-prepared. That was probably due to the fact that Brian was in school as well - we just never really got into the swing of things.

We ate dinner and read the Scripture found in D&C 109:8: "Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God." I found this fitting for our family and a perfect guideline for those of any faith.
In order to be more organized and "prepared", Brian helped me make a magnet board for each of the kids. This way, they have a specific place for their homework pages, notes home, etc... instead of being lost on the kitchen table or on the floor of their rooms.

The kids had a great time making their magnets for their boards, and hopefully it will really help in keeping everything together this year.
We also put new hangers up for backpacks/jackets at the back door. Hopefully this reduces the clutter in the main coat closet... it was difficult last year to find what was needed to quick run out the door with everybody's stuff piled in there.

Taylor is excited to start 5th grade. He wore the LOBSTER shirt that he paid for. His teacher is Mrs. Daynes.

Jordan is in 2nd grade and excited to be in Mrs. Rubie's class.

Haven't they both grown up so much???

After a quick breakfast in the morning (they wanted CEREAL... what kid just wants cereal when their mom is willing to make pancakes, eggs, waffles, WHATEVER in the morning? My kids, that's who...) we were off to the bus stop.

And our Cat, (who thinks he's a dog) followed.

Everyone at the bus stop will know Nigel. Silly kitty.

Neighborhood kids ready for the first day!

The three 5th graders: Taylor, Hannah and Spencer. (Waiting for a friend to send me photos of the three 2nd graders: Jordan, Sam and Christian.)

The bus came and they were off. The girls and I walked back up to the bus for the return trip home and there was a lot of excitement. Madison and Reagan missed the boys all day long!

We're excited for the school year!