Monday, August 25, 2008


My parents invited us to go camping with them for their Ward camp out. Brian wasn't able to go with us, but I had a BLAST with the 4 kids!

We got there early, set up our massive tent, and played for 3 days in the dirt. Loved it. Loved *almost* every moment of it.

The problem was: It was a Ward Camp out. We had the camp to ourselves for that first day and night... then the people started showing up. And it got crazy.

I've learned some new things about myself and my tolerance level with massive amounts of people around. I don't do well. So, next year... we'll have our OWN campsite - I'm not sharing anymore! (I'm a great example, eh?)

We did manage to have a lot of fun. Here's the evidence:

Taylor and Jordan

Madison and Reagan

They played so well together... It's nice that Reagan is growing up a little and is able to have fun with her sister. :)

Madison didn't mind being pushed around in Reagan's stroller... and Reagan had a BLAST doing it!

Common phrase heard around camp: " C'mon Papa"

Grandpa and Taylor

Reagan in her Wall-E shirt. For anyone that knows our family, you know that we generally don't wear clothing with "characters" on them... A small Mickey Mouse every once in awhile, maybe... but nothing like this shirt. Reagan saw it at the store with Grandma however, and HAD to have it. She wears it all the time. (When it's washed...) She LOVES her Wall-E shirt probably as much as I hate it!

Happy Girl

Taylor and Jordan... Masters of the fire

Reagan's little "stump". She climbed all over that thing the entire trip.

Hiking with Papa

The Boys
Looking at the water
Taylor - he LOVES being outdoors... we're going to have to go camping a lot more next year.

Reagan and Papa
Obviously she didn't want Papa to see where he was going...

Taylor decided to cross the stream on a fallen tree

Jordan wanted to stay on "dry ground"

Taylor made it and was sad that nobody followed.

We found a deer carcass. The boys thought that was GREAT! "Take a picture of it Mom!!!"

Reagan helped with the tent set up

Jordan all snuggled in for bed

Taylor building a fire in the morning

Reagan, again with Papa

Grandma makes some (nasty) hot chocolate. Who thought hot chocolate could be bad??? (For the record, the different brand the next morning was MUCH better... )

Jordan trying to warm up

Papa cooling down Reagan's hot chocolate

Still busy with the fire

Look at that cold little nose...

Madison decided to join us.

Grandma starts the stove for Breakfast.

He finally got his fire going!

Reagan enjoys watching the flames

Anyone for Checkers???

What a great time. What great kids. What fun we had the weekend before School!


Erin said...

Ya, you're right- the look on your face as more and more people started showing up said it all! I think we'll do our own camp spot thing as well. That may be the only way I can get Merritt to go again.
It was fun seeing you guys, though!