Thursday, December 13, 2007

Once again, the tree sits "naked".

I'm so ashamed to admit that my Christmas tree STILL hasn't been decorated.

We made it a tradition long ago to go out and get the tree right after Thanksgiving, and I'm wondering now why the heck we even bother if it sits there. Should decorating the stinkin' tree really be this difficult?

My excuse this year is: The tree skirt isn't done. Now, I don't know why this matters because we've NEVER had a tree skirt for our tree.

Also, it was Jordan's birthday on Monday. I'm a total looser mom for not posting anything about it, but there isn't much to post since we spent that evening at MADISON'S dance recital. I was planning on having a party for him with family on Friday since somethings been going on every day this week, but he's not feeling well. We told him that instead of a BirthDAY we'd have a birthweek. I've tried to do something a little special for him each day: Monday we had cake (thanks to my mom - she made the cake for after the dance recital...) Tuesday I took him to lunch and Wednesday we had family movie night and made homemade pizzas. I think that people with December birthday's TOTALLY get forgotten. I haven't even taken a photo of him now that he's SIX.

Reagan is still sleeping horribly. (Oh really? It's 1:11 AM while I'm writing this... I'd much rather be sleeping but she has different ideas.) I can't really pass her off to Brian at all in the middle of the night because the poor guy has to be to work at 6:30 AM. Not that he took her much before he had to be up early, but he did every once in awhile.

I started making my nieces gifts last night for Christmas. I'm totally excited about it, but obviously can't talk about it here since Stacie is one of my few frequent readers. Can't wait to post pictures of the finished product though! Need ideas for my nephews... just can't think of anything to make for them that they'd actually enjoy, and I don't want to be the aunt that gives totally lame gifts.

Okay, this is totally a whine of a post... but given the hour I think it's deserving. Reagan is finally asleep in my arms but I doubt I'll be able to fall asleep anytime soon... especially now that I have all these "to do's" running around my head.

Do you think it would be too obnoxious to start decorating the tree now at 1:17 AM?


Lena said...

You can tell them all that the tree fairy came. I'm sorry about the lack of sleep. I suppose that's one thing to put on my list of "I really won't miss this part..."

QueenMeadow said...

Ian didn't sleep well until he was 2 or 2.5, I forget now, I was in a zombie state for so long. He does sleep great now, so there is hope :).

I don't even have my tree out of the box yet, I suck. The kids haven't said anything either so they aren't doing any better ;).

Anonymous said...

Hope you have gotten some sleep since this post!!

Anonymous said...

By the way, why didn't you put any "racy" photos up of your "naked" tree? lol

Becky, yep said...

okay, you totally need to get off your back!!!! You have a tree and that's great, a natural tree is beautiful! OR...let the boys do it, they'd probably totally dig it! I am so into UNPLUGGING it all this year! Bring Christmas back to my little family! Good luck to you, my old friend!