This evening, my grandma, Erma Lyla Young Banham, passed away at the age of 93.
She was a *wonderful* woman whom I will always admire.
Grandma holding Jordan when he was a baby:

Grandma with Jordan and Taylor:

Our 4 generation photo after Madison was born:

Love you grandma! Thanks so much for EVERYTHING! For your caring nature, your soft sweet voice, your example and your courage. We will miss you something awful, but know you have been welcomed "home" to once again be with your sweetheart and lovely daughter who was gone too soon.
Grandma loved pink roses and I must think of getting a nice rosebush to plant in our yard which was once her yard. My home will always be filled with memories of her as my house was hers for so many years. I'm so grateful to have constant reminders of her love around me. :)